Nobita's typical day contains arriving overdue to school, falling during class asleep, rating zero (0%) (F's in the British dub) on his checks, getting scolded by his teacher, being teased by his classmates Gian and Suneo, falling in the curbside rain gutters, getting chased by puppies after moving on the tails mistakenly, getting grounded by his mom for not completing his homework, and being bullied by all his friends except Shizuka, who remembers Nobita's kind center and cares for him. He's also a coward who's terrified by almost everything, ghosts particularly, and a cry-baby (a working gag in the show has Nobita crying and requesting Doraemon to bring out his gadgets, typically at the beginning of the occurrence). He dislikes taking place outdoor activities along with his interest being taking a day reading or nap comics, right after school usually. In fact, sleeping and comic book reading are probably his only true hobbies; one story features Nobita falling in three seconds simply by closing his eyes asleep, while in others he chooses sleep over important events, such as watching the first sunrise on New Year's Day. The thing stopping him from staying at home all the right time, other than experimenting with Doraemon's gizmos, is Gian and Suneo bullying him to participate in baseball video games or criticisms from his parents and Doraemon to go out and play.Regardless of the above flaws, Nobita is portrayed to be kind-hearted usually, emotional, honest, once in a while hard-working (like when he enters a wager along with his friends) and sometimes courageous. He has often risked his life to assist in saving others or even complete civilizations in full-length tales. Though he's shown to be academically poor, the real reason for it is his laziness principally, and he has anchored good markings in multiple episodes also, proving his credentials. Nobita can be very serious and dependable sometimes. Nobita is weak for the most part things but does have some strengths. For example, Nobita has excellent marksmanship which rivals (or even surpasses) Dora a child. He is able to weave excellent string numbers also, is a superb archer, and a reasonably good comic reserve critic, owing to the large amount of the time he spends on reading them. He's also very creative when it comes to utilizing Doraemon's gizmos (in a single episode, he found a way to use a gadget called 'the broadcasting mirror' profitably, for advertising, even when Doraemon himself couldn't think of any use for this).In the initial background where Doraemon didn't interfere, Nobita marries Jaiko (Gian's sister, although he enjoys Shizuka), never sees a good job, starts his own business, and eventually goes bankrupt. Doraemon succeeds on his mission to prevent all these from happening, as seen in several episodes where they happen to be the future. Nobita eventually marries Shizuka and becomes an official in the Ministry of Environment.
Doraemon: Nobita39;s Great Adventure to the South Sea Adventure 1998
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